Sale ends tonight!

Just a reminder that the LifeLovePaper sales ends tonight! Take 10% off stamps....use code MAY2013. Also release the new states printables. CA, WA and OR are available now and there will be more to come soon. Studio Calico reveal is today. Really enjoyed working with Roundabout....the colors, the stamps. Love it all. Here are some sneaks.

Happy Memorial Day everyone! xot

the break of dawn

little man decided he wanted to get up extra early this fine Sunday so here I am. getting what i can done while watching Olivia. A few things.

The Love You stamp giveaway is now closed. The winner will be announced Monday morning.

New LifeLovePaper digital printable is available.

and everyone who purchases will automatically be entered to win this...

Just purchase the new printable now through Tuesday, Feb 19th and you'll get a chance to win a bag o' goods. Those of you who purchased the early release yesterday are entered in the giveaway.

Time for a coffee refill. xot

Still trying to get the blog updated. It's driving me a little mad and if I could afford to pay someone to do this, I would. But alas, I'm attempting to learn a little about css code and I have zero desire to. I'm sure it'll come together eventually. I wanted to have it all cleaned up before the next shop update but I'm anxious to release this I LOVE FALL download. ETA should be sometime tomorrow. :)

Photography sidenote: I played with a 24-70 this weekend. A photographer friend lent it to me for a couple of sessions that were suppose to happen this weekend. Unfortunately with the bad weather, they were rescheduled. So I took it out back while the man and boy raked the leaves. I had shot with a 24-70 awhile ago for a wedding and liked the results but I didn't really get a chance to "play" and experiment. One reservation I had with this lens was the bokeh factor. I love an out of focus background. That's why I mostly stick to primes. The above shot was taken with the 24-70 and it's currently one of my faves. And now I'm wanting one of my own of course. I'm even thinking about selling my 80 1.8 and Lensbaby. If you're interested in either, you can email me at



It's been fun spotting my prints and stamps all over Instagram + blogs. I love seeing them go out the door to new homes but seeing them put into action makes what I do that much more awesome. Amy Tan's CHA 2012 booth-

Seriously, having my print in Amy Tan's booth was so cool. I was like a proud parent. :) Only wish I could have seen it in person. (this photo is from Amy's Instagram)

Vee's Project Life

Vee continues to amaze me with her project life. I can see her personality all contained in little plastic pockets. I had commented on her blog that I envied her ability to not only keep up PL but to do it in the most artful way. I love how she incorporated the mini prints into her current week. I'm so honored to be a part of her documentation of life.

Thank you all for you amazing support. I've got a lot of new things on the horizon and I cannot wait to show you.

Have a wonderful weekend. xot

recycle it rad

I have a hard time throwing out pretty mailings, especially when it's printed on recycled, non-shiny paper. It's great to print, write and stamp on. I sometimes use an envelope template to make custom envies when mailing out letters and cards. I wasn't sure how screen printing would work on these pages but I wanted to experiment with making some custom packaging for the new stamps in my shop. I spent a sunny afternoon in the garage printing away and I loved how they came out, some pretty enough to frame. Most went to packaging though. I hope my customers appreciate the pretty wrapping. :) I was going to cut the pages to create a custom envelope but thought maybe the receiver would like to hang the print themselves so I folded and taped with some washi. It's all a labor of love.

 random side notes: I'm seriously into yellow right now. Also have adopted the word "rad" from my friend Jamaica. Lastly, Make Something Today print on Kraft will be making a permanent departure from the shop this week. Get it while you can. I'm making room for the next limited print.