
It's 6:30 am on Sunday morning. What? Who gets up this early on Sunday? Well my husband for one. He's been working Sundays for several years now which at times sucks but hey, it's life and he's keeping it real. Love that man. So when I heard him getting ready, I thought I would wake up myself to get some things done before the other guy got up who is by the way, POOPED from last night birthday festivities. I sometimes find myself out of place in social settings. Tyler forces me out of my comfort zone so now when we're invited to numerous kid's birthday parties, I of course go. Mainly for him and cake but mostly for him. As he zips through every square inch of my friend's home and makes new friends, I'm left to converse with the other mommies. Oh the exciting things we talk about as moms. We had a thorough discussion on whose kid napped the least that day. Tyler always gets the "omg, how old is he? he's huge!". I really enjoyed myself though, even after a couple of meltdowns. What's nice about being with other moms of young kids is that they get the "meltdown".  I just look at the other moms and we shrug and smile in unison as we try to calm our kids down from whatever has gotten them upset.

Lot's of new things on the horizon. I know I say that a lot, probably prematurely sometimes. But there are really new things going on and if you follow me on Instagram, you got a tiny peek of one of those exciting things. I know, I'm being really cryptic and it's been hard not to reveal the full story but it'll happen in the next week. :)

I'm also working on my last stamp design for the upcoming Life.Love.Paper shop. Not only will there be new stamps but a sort of holiday collection. No, not a kit...just something to enhance whatever project you're planning on doing for the holidays. There will be several screen printed items as well as an exclusive stamp. These are things that inspire me most around the holidays. Snowy trees, twinkle lights. This will also happen in the upcoming week. If you're a newsletter subscriber, you'll be the first to know.

Other exciting news is Liz's big move over to The Lily Pad. She debuted her first collection there last week called Is It Friday Yet? Loved all the digital elements in this kit.


Well, I think I need to put a fresh pot of coffee on. I'm going to need it. Happy Sunday! XOT

Here we go..

Some layouts I created for the Studio Calico CHA booth. I had the pleasure of work with the new Classic Calico and Wonderland collection. I mentioned this before but Classic Calico is always my favorite line to work with. I usually start out with a neutral piece of paper and go from there. The neutrals and patterns in this collection call to me. Wonderland is fun too. It was a bit strange trying to scrap last years Christmas photos but I think I managed ok.

And a couple of layouts for Paislee Press, Up & Away (loooove this digital kit) and Weekender (Liz's cameras are so fun to work with).

Who says boy layouts can't include doily's? Not me. :) xot