The outcome of Tyler's second annual fair visit didn't play out as I envisioned. I now know what my son is like without his afternoon nap and it's not pleasant. There were fun parts here and there but the overall day was on the cusp of being a disaster. Mommy learned her lesson on not planning well enough and skipping nap time. I only snapped a total of 4 photos with my digital + about the same with my iPhone. Part of me was bummed but it was nice just being in the moment with Tyler and Jeff.
Highlights of the day? First merry go round ride and the boy's utter excitement around the farm animals. I'm talking the funniest exaggerated laugh. I need to get that on video.
Did you see Studio Calico's October class?
I'm pretty excited about it. We are working on some amazing things for this class. If you have a passion for photography + scrapbooking and are looking for some insight and inspiration in your daily picture-taking, this is the class for you. Aspiring photographer? All six teachers will offer critique on at least one photo you upload. Are you a blogger looking to take better photos? Well you're in luck. We'll be covering that too. There's a lot more and more to come. Don't regret not signing up. It's going to be a good one.