Spring Forward! they say. I'm not much of a springer. This particular time change is hard. It's not that I'm NOT enjoying the extra daylight because I DO. It's all kinds of wonderful, especially when you're an Alaskan. It's just this "off" feeling that I can't shake. It feels like that one episode of Unsolved Mysteries with the case about missing time. Remember that show? So yeah, that's me right now. Good things are happening though.
1. Husband looks at me and says "you're having a good hair day". 2. FLOWERS 3. New prints will be in the shop later today. A few extras items leftover from the first print pack of the New Year and something new. I'll be offering up digital art prints that you can print from home or at your local print & copy place. 4. My April kit came in! A day early to boot!