
My December Daily is now in the works...I think not having a cover or size nailed down was keeping me from moving forward. I had this freebie Starbucks cd in my car for a few years, still wrapped in plastic. While waiting at the bank drive thru, I finally opened it up and listened to the few songs on it. I looked at the cd cover and thought....hmm...this could be of use for the inside pages. I never thought of making it the actual cover until this weekend when I told myself to get this thing started now or you'll regret it. So here it is and I'm loving the process, even if Christmas is less than a week away.

Evidence of the process. My messy dining room table. I no longer find it inspiring or productive to create in my designated scrap room. I hate being away from my guys. Everything in that room...all the supplies and over abundance of scrap stuff is weighing me down big time. I purged quite a bit already but I'm thinking of taking it even further. It's just hard to let that stuff go, especially when you start going through it. I think "oh, I can use that" and "I love this paper, I can't part with that". Creating here is working for me now. I basically have everything I need in a carry tote...simplicity is the best inspiration. That combined with a view outside and a pretty bouquet of flowers.

Tyler slept over at his aunt and uncles Friday night as we enjoyed a night out to ourselves. Oh the holiday office party was was good, desert was even better but we didn't stay too long. We made our exit after shots of Crown were being poured. It just gets too crazy around there and from what I've heard today, a few fellas were actually cut off and escorted out, another man's wife was aggressively kissed and some not so kind words were exchanged. Yes, this is a company Christmas party I'm speaking of. Jeff and I had a much better time getting home and watching a movie. I know, we sound like a couple of duds, right?  Think what you will but this was one of the best nights we had together in awhile and although we missed our baby boy immensely, it was so nice to be able to have the volume up as we watched Fright Night and kick back a few beers and not worry about waking the boy. I was grateful for the night but Tyler was super clingy the whole weekend. I couldn't step anywhere without him being right next to me. I missed him so much, I even smelled his blanket before going to bed that night. Crazy momma thing I suppose.

You all ready for Christmas?!?! I sure am. :) I even purchased myself a little something from my own list and use them in these photographs. It's the Visual Supply Co film presets for ACR (available for Lightroom too). I told myself I would never buy another set of actions again but I couldn't say no after seeing the before and after. Love the grain and it's so spot on to film, it's not even funny.


it was a good thing...

...that I took a some time away from blogging because all you would be reading is ranting and crying and rage.That is how the past 6 days have been. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all bad but I've just felt as though the universe has been against me. Being a true believer in karma, I had to have done something wrong to deserve all this bad luck, right? It's all good now. (knocking feverishly on wood) I will be minding my p's and q's from now on. No testing fate any time soon. I know, this all sounds vague but trust me, some things are best left unblogged. In the meantime, I still have not fully done my December Daily in the scrapping sense. In the photo sense, yes...I have been partaking. And note taking. And ephemera keeping. It'll all come together soon. Maybe during Christmas break. Pffft. Who am I kidding.

Day 10: My niece stays over and after she leaves, we breath a sigh of relief and now feel like Tyler is a breeze to handle. This girl is a ball of chaotic energy. Zoom, zoom, go there, now I'm here, what's this, why that, etc, etc, etc. Love her though. She's still my little photo muse. Always will be.

Day 12: I have a 1/2 hour of daylight to work with and I've been wanting to get this bokeh shot for like ever. He wasn't feeling it so much, mostly because I was rushing the process and held off on lunch for said daylight. Also because his jumper was too tight but he got it for his birthday and I loved it. There's a moose printed of the front which of course is being covered by the tree. It's been an exhausting week and it's only Tuesday! oy. xot

currents: december edition


time: 11.08pm location: in bed weather: getting colder, snow is in the forecast. ( we had some nasty wind and rain this past weekend. looks ugly out now) watching: Top Chef (not really into it this year but there's nothing else on) loving: white twinkle lights (I should say obsessed) thinking: about how awesome I am for getting the majority of my Christmas shopping done early and online. wondering: if the dress I ordered will show up in time for next weeks office party. (MYHABIT is addicting) enjoying: this quiet time by myself. (I love my boy and my mans but I've really grown to appreciate the little time I get to myself.) drinking: water eating: nothing. (tummy is a little upset from the pulled pork. I over did it but it was so tasty!)

I was going to explain why I love this quote so much but I'm getting a good way and in a sad way. The good? Knowing that vacancy in my heart is now occupied with kisses and full belly laughs and the tightest hugs from my baby boy. The way he wraps his arms around my neck makes me week in the knees. The sad? Knowing this will be the first Christmas since my Grandmothers passing this fall. I pray that my family, mostly my Grandfather will be able to cope with her absence. This was her time to shine with the numerous recipes under her belt  apron that made so many people happy. I miss her Divinity...that stuff was so sweet and fluffy. I see it at the grocery store but I know it doesn't come near what my Grandma made. I've been doing what I can in her honor. Like bake Tyler's first birthday cake from scratch. No way I would buy a cake. She would be so dissappointed. I wore one of her vintage aprons while I mixed and frosted. She's here with me, I know it. I feel her, I can still smell her distinct smell, I hear her voice in my head like she were in the other room. "Tina!" in that thick Georgian accent. It's strange and comforting at the same time. Leave it to the Holidays to bring out this range of emotions. You miss loved ones who are gone. You find happiness in the loved one who are here. You reconnect with friends. Your heart feels lighter but heavy too. Christmas is so much more than decorations and presents. It's certainly a state of mind. Hmph. Guess I ended up explaining myself after all. :) xot.

p.s. the "currents" method of journaling is a quick and easy way to add to your December Daily. Give it a try, especially great on days when your mind is buzzing with all the holiday to dos.