I often get lost in feeds that feature beautiful flowers. I remember after a good 10 minutes of admiring Floretflowers, telling my husband that I wanted to sell everything we had, move to Oregon and start a flower farm. But let's be real. I love flowers, I'm not sure I would love the reality of farming flowers.
I once worked a summer at a local greenhouse. It was exhausting, even at the age of 21 and I don't think I was ever able to get the dirt out from under my nails but hey, I can say that I learned how to drive a skid loader! The point being that it's physically hard and you've got to be well educated on the science of growing healthy flowers not to mention the passion.
Erin Benzakein of Floret seems to have it down. Look at those beauties! If you love flowers as much as I do, you must tour her Instgram feed. You can thank me later. :)
During my last trip to Portland and after a delicious brunch at Tasty 'n Alder, we strolled down Alder street to visit some must see shops, one of them being Adler and Co. I was delighted to see a new section filled with blooms. The anemones is what I really zoomed in on since they're pretty rare to see in Anchorage. This section of Alder & Co is actually run by Hilary Horvath flowers.
I purchased a few stems to take back to our Ace hotel room and was completely smitten by this independent florist. I also noted that her shop wasn't that far off from my mom's small convenient store and that I would give Hilary Horvarth Flowers a try this year for mother's day. I'm so glad I did….my mom was extremely pleased with her bountiful arrangement. I spent that same amount I did last mother's day with an generic online florist but the arrangements were not at all the same. She included coral peonies and mary milton's, the arrangement was gorgeous and I wish I was there to photograph it and be with my mom of course. :)
I have no affiliation to HH Flowers, just a happy customer, one who now is going to reach out to local florists rather than the big box generic online florist.
Floret Flowers Instagram | Blog
Hilary Horvath Instagram | Blog