20 months later

Being the mom to a busy toddler is extremely different than being a mom of a newborn. Neither is better or worse, just different. There are several books you read in preparation of becoming a mom, mostly on caring for newborns and scheduling and feedings. No one ever prepared me for parenting a toddler and I have to say part of me was not ready. The words I say the most these days are "Tyler" and "no". I feel he is constantly testing the waters aka me + his father to see how far he can get. And why wouldn't he? He doesn't know any better and that's where extreme patience comes in. (and breathing techniques) Sometimes I find that I have to walk away for a moment, especially after a long day of running and picking up after him. This isn't an everyday occurrence. I'm not the mom of a raving lunatic. I know this is just the norm for our life right now.

I started talking with other moms of toddlers. They confided in me about their tot's not so good ways and I did the same. It was such a relief to know what I felt was normal. Tyler is my sunshine. He can turn a frown upside down in a split second. I've learned a lot from him and myself because he is so much like me personality wise. Maybe that's why I get so frustrated...I'm dealing with a miniature Tina.

There are times I crave solidarity, peace and quiet. Oh do I love a clean quiet house. I never knew how much I loved those 2 things until I had a kid. If I can steal an hour to myself out of the day which is usually nap time, I'm happy. Even happier when the boy wakes up feeling refreshed and ready to give me a work out and a million laughs.


(Everday I love you more and more digital element is from Paislee Press's newest release, Meant To Be)

a year?

It feels like I just brought my guy home from the hospital just yesterday. I know time goes by too fast but I'm happy to say that I've enjoyed and documented almost everyday of his first year. At a year old, he's walking. Not like walking walking but taking about 5-6 steps. His vocab consists of Dad, Mom, Jesse (our dog), baba (he babbles this a lot) and nini (night night) Clothing size is 18-24 months. His limbs are long and I already foresee the same problem his dad had with clothing. Eats just about anything I make him. Loves Chicken and Peas. Favorite toy is his walker. Has grown very attached to his boo (gray elephant his cousin gave him) Loves watching Sid the Science Kid in the mornings with his dad. Loves his dog. Loves making silly faces and sounds. The boy in him is really shining through. He makes car sounds when he plays with his cars and roars a lot. Our little photoshoot didn't go off as planned but I'm all about improvising and loving the end result of what's really going on. He's not the kid that sits still, even for a brief moment. All he wanted to do was rip apart the felt garland I worked on for 2 days.

He's such an awesome little man. How did I ever get to be so lucky? xot.

a baby food tidbit + a new dare.

I'm always searching for food tips and ideas for Tyler. I came upon this tip on helping little hands grip cubes of bananas easier. It basically involves coating cut up bananas in Cheerio crumbs. He immediately grabbed and pinched bits of banana much much easier than before.  

cool, huh?

And now for the dare. Dare 183:Angles. This dare through me for a loop but I loved reaching way beyond my comfort zone.

Later this week, I'm going to wrap up the Q+A I've been procrastinating on. I'll also have some Studio Calico sneaks to share as well. :) xot.

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